The I Love Lucy episode titled “Sales Resistance” opens with Ricky using a new Webcor tape recorder to record his song “There’s a Brand New Baby in Our House”. The tape recorder was the must have gadget in 1953, the year Little Ricky was born. Ricky is seen using a 1953 Webcor Reel to Reel tape recorder from Webster-Chicago.

According to the ad pictured above the Webcor Model 210 with 2 hour tape and microphone sold for $197.50 in 1953, which calculates to a buying power of $1,765.21 in 2015 dollars.

Pictured above is a vintage portable Webcor seen on eBay this week (Click Here to view) selling for below the 1953 price although not in 1953 condition. Continue reading Ricky Ricardo’s 1953 Webcor Tape Recorder