In the bedroom Set of “I Love Lucy” prominently displayed on the wall behind the twin beds are a pair of ballet sketches in matching frames. One of these original prop sketches turned up on eBay in 2006 and the story that was related in the auction description is an interesting one.

Description from the auction lot:
“This is an ORIGINAL set piece or prop off of the Desilu set for the I LOVE LUCY show! It has been stored for the past forty odd years — and recently found — by me because it was in my family’s storage area since the early sixties!
It is the actual pastel and ink on art paper — an original piece of artwork, not a print — AND the original frame that was used as a prop on the set of the original I LOVE LUCY show starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.” Continue reading I Love Lucy’s Bedroom Set Framed Ballet Pictures