This Maurice Utrillo lithograph print entitled Restaurant Au Mont Cenis (1922) is like the one seen on I Love Lucy in the Ricardo’s livingroom, except it appears to be a smaller sized print. It is offered as an original item from the movie Night of the Living Dead (1968) at http://www.ebay.com/itm/Night-Of-The-Living-Dead-Framed-Maurice-Utrillo-Movie-Prop-Horror-Home-theater-/131957171297
The print on I Love Lucy was 26″ x 21″ and the smaller print image size is usually seen at around 11″ x 14″ unframed.
Details of the print from I Love Lucy in this post:
Note: There are a couple of other prints of this picture on ebay at present – one has water damage, another one looks darker in color than is usual and is overpriced in comparison with others sold recently. Continue reading Utrilllo Print from Night of the Living Dead 1968 offered on eBay