Vintage owl bookends seen on eBay this week are similar to the pair I repainted recently to match the bookends in I Love Lucy. Read about the project at
Tag Archives: I love lucy decor
Ricky and Lucy’s Bedroom Clock Radio

In a previous post we looked at the bedside clock radio on I Love Lucy. This week I see a similar one on eBay as pictured below:
- Caution: If you have or buy a working old vacuum tube radio such as this one never put your hands inside one of these old radios when it’s turned on or plugged in. Never leave these radios turned on for an extended period of time unattended. Do not operate these devices on a metal table. Do not operate these radios on a wet surface.
I Love Lucy Mantel Lustres
Have a look at these Mantle lusters. They are a good match the pair on I Love lucy. See the listing on eBay for more pictures
The lustres above are painted exactly like the pair on the show.
For a less expensive alternative the following pair of mantel lustres are still a good match but painted differently:
See them on eBay currently at a more affordable price
Also a second pair here :
Lace Tablecloth like Lucy’s
Lace Tablecloth in Episode “Fred and Ethel Fight”
On Ebay this week is a Quaker Lace tablecloth as seen on the I Love Lucy set in the above scene.

See it here:
Owl Bookends Repaint
Here is my attempt at repainting a pair of Borghese owl bookends to resemble the owl bookends seen on the I Love Lucy show. The picture above shows a Borghese bookend on the left and on the right a bookend like the one in Ricardo’s living room on the show which I will refer to as a source to replicate the paintwork and then attempt to apply a marble effect on the base.
The Borghese bookend appears to be a resin copy of the original design on the right which is a cold painted metal/bronze owl on a marble base.
I used three colors to paint the owl. First I painted the eyes in Yellow Ochre and then two coats of Raw Umber for the rest of the bird with extra touches to darken the forehead area and top of the head and back as needed to match the owl on the right.
For the book it took two layers of green and then a watered down layer of raw umber on top of that to tone down the color of the green and to darken the gold pages.
I used Windsor & Newton Galleria acrylic paints, Yellow Ochre, Raw Umber and Phthalo Green for the Owl. The color was a good match straight from the tube so no color mixing was needed. The final touch was black for the pupils. I had no black paint so I mixed some raw umber with ultramarine to create a vintage looking black.
Here we see the source bookend in the center with the Borghese pair on either side. Up to this point the work has been straightforward but the unsightly green speckled base needs a faux marble paint over which is something I have never done before. I found a video on Youtube which gave me an idea of how to proceed. In retrospect I would have done a test piece first but I just went ahead knowing I could wipe it off at any point or just paint extra layers on top.
I experimented with a mix of Cadmium red , Burnt Umber and Yellow Ochre tinted with white for the base following the Youtube video for guidance. I painted in layers adding streaks of darker and lighter color damping down with a paper towel to soften the effect and using a clean wet brush to feather it in places instead of splashing on water as was seen on the video. The composite picture above shows the Borghese bookends at various stages. Next step is to apply a few layers of matt acrylic varnish to protect the paintwork.
Finally here is a side by side view of the repainted Borghese bookend on the left and the original source bookend on the right.
Owl Bookend like Lucy’s
Seen on eBay recently, this single owl bookend, with teracotta toned marble base that looks like one of a pair of bookends seen in the Ricardo’s living room on I Love Lucy.
Utrillo Print on eBay

Familiar to fans of the early I Love Lucy shows, an ornate framed version of this print was seen on the back wall of the Ricardo’s livingroom. It is by Maurice Utrillo and the title is “La Rue Du Mont Cenis” signed 1922 Maurice Utrillo
There is one currently offered on on eBay:
Stewart B McCulloch Asian Man Statue
Click picture for details on eBay
Offered on eBay this week is this male version of the pair of Stewart B McCulloch statues seen on the I Love Lucy mantel. What is unusual about this one is that the base is painted all the way down. The other ones I’ve seen have a white base.
I Love Lucy Small Carriage Prints
In the screen capture above from the charm school spisode of I Love Lucy we notice two small framed prints high up over the mantel. These automotive prints of early carriages are examples of framed prints that were sold in sets in the mid century era. Examples of these are often seen on eBay. Below is a closer look at the details as seen on the show.

The same two pictures along with a matching third print were also seen below the Maurice Utrillo picture on the back wall in other episodes.