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This statue is similar – although not an exact match – to the one usually seen on the right of the living room mantelpiece on the set of I Love Lucy.
Tag Archives: Chinese Statue
Chinese Statue like one on the Ricardo’s mantelpiece
Seen on eBay this week is a rare example of a famille rose Chinese made for export statue of a seated man. One issue I notice is that he should be holding a scythe/sickle with a curved blade in his left hand, but the blade of the scythe seems to be missing, but this is a small detail you would have to look closely to notice it This is a good find for a hard to find item if you are interested in vintage “Prop-alikes” similar to items seen on the show. This statue is similar to the one usually seen on the right of the living room mantelpiece on the set of I Love Lucy CLICK HERE to view the listing on eBay

Chinese statues on the I Love Lucy mantelpiece – the seated man is second statue from the left.
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Chinese Seated Man Statue similar to one on I Love Lucy

Here is a vintage Famille Rose Chinese export statue seen on eBay currently that reminds me of the seated man statue on the I Love Lucy Mantelpiece. Continue reading Chinese Seated Man Statue similar to one on I Love Lucy
Lucy’s Chinese Seated Woman Statue

This is a Famille Rose Porcelain Statue of a scholar holding a book, made in China for export. It is often seen on the I Love Lucy set, usually near the planter at the center of the mantelpiece. It represents a scholar holding book. The pink robe reflects the fashion for using the color pink (or “rose” in french) for export market products and does not suggest this is a female, although collectors may mistakenly assume the character represents a women. Other times it appears on a high shelf above the door to the kitchen, or as pictured above, it is placed on a table. It is one of a pair of Chinese porcelain statues seen on the show. The other is the Chinese Famille Rose statue of a seated man mentioned in my previous post.
This statue is often listed under the name of Quan-Yin, the goddess. The pink statue pictured above shows a statue like the one on I Love Lucy that was sold on eBay recently details here.
It happens that there is a pair of very similar ones on eBay this week CLICK HERE to View.
See pictures from the current listing below: The pale pink one is very similar but the pose is a mirror image of the I love Lucy one. The second one on the listing is also very similar and the pose is correct but the clothing is not patterned.

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Project: I love Lucy Asian Statue Repaint

I have a pair of Asian man and woman statues similar to the pair of Asian statues on the mantelpiece of I love Lucy, however the colors are quite different from the pair on the show. I decided to try to repaint them to look like the I love Lucy set. I could use a special paint for use on porcelain that I saw at Dick Blick’s, and which can be baked on. However I decided on an ordinary acrylic paint because it will get the look I want and can be scrubbed off again to preserve the original statues as they were. Here is how they looked.

I love Lucy’s Mantel Statues: Seated Chinese Man Figurine

This week on eBay there is a rare Chinese statue that will no doubt be familiar to I Love Lucy fans because it is just like one seen on the mantelpiece in most of the episodes, I did not know much about this statue until I saw the listing of a similar one on eBay Click here for details. See also picture below. It is a seated figure of a man with what could be a bundle of Taro and holding a scythe in his left hand. This statue was made in the 30’s – 40’s and seems to be quite rare. It is a well made porcelain statue from the Jingdezhen region of China that was known for fine ceramics for centuries. This one listed as Famille Rose period that takes its name from the opaque paint used in made for export porcelain items from China.

From the listing description:
中华民国 / 中華民國