Lucy uses a state of the art vibrating hair brush to make Rickys scalp tingle in the season one episode Ricky Thinks He’s Going Bald . This looks very like the Vitabrush vibrating hairbrush pictured below.
Look for the Vitabrush on eBay

BE FAIR TO YOU HAIR Want better looking hair? Embarassed by falling dandruff, itching scalp? Get the new VITABRUSH, the electic-automatic brush with build-in brush head motor… gives scalp and hair an invigorating “workout” in just 3 minutes. Cleans scalp, stimulates blood supply, distributes the natural oils. Fun to use – relaxing. Write for satisfaction-guaranteed offer – today.
Hersey Mfg. Co., 3714 Field Bldg., Chicago 3 (Popular Mechanics, Mar 1949)