Click on the picture above to go the the ebay listing.
This is a toleware clock available on eBay this week. It is just like one seen over the fireplace on I Love lucy
More details in a previous post here:
Framed Military Print
– See it on eBay
Seen on eBay this week is a military print similar to one seen on the livingroom wall on I Love Lucy.
See previous post for more info about the set of horse prints seen on the I Love Lucy show
Lucy’s Christmas: Santa in Sleigh
Lucy and Ricky’s Christmas decorations included a little Santa and Sleigh on the mantel. I see some examples from the era on eBay this week. These are hard to find pieces that have survived the years – click on the pictures to go to the eBay listings.
Above is a sleigh seen on eBay with five plastic reindeer – a single Rudolph in front – similar to the set on I Love Lucy except the base is different.
Below are a couple of similar looking alternatives:
Ricky and Lucy’s Bedroom Clock Radio

In a previous post we looked at the bedside clock radio on I Love Lucy. This week I see a similar one on eBay as pictured below:
- Caution: If you have or buy a working old vacuum tube radio such as this one never put your hands inside one of these old radios when it’s turned on or plugged in. Never leave these radios turned on for an extended period of time unattended. Do not operate these devices on a metal table. Do not operate these radios on a wet surface.
Stewart B McCulloch Oriental Man & Woman Statues

If you were looking for the Stewart B McCulloch statues like the pair on I Love Lucy thiese should do nicely. They are currently on eBay. They are painted differently to the pair on the show but otherwise identical.
See themat:
I Love Lucy Mantel Lustres
Have a look at these Mantle lusters. They are a good match the pair on I Love lucy. See the listing on eBay for more pictures
The lustres above are painted exactly like the pair on the show.
For a less expensive alternative the following pair of mantel lustres are still a good match but painted differently:
See them on eBay currently at a more affordable price
Also a second pair here :
Ricky and Lucy’s Cigarette Box

I see a trinket/cigarette box on eBay very like the cigarette box on the coffee table on I Love Lucy – it is chalkware by Borghese – the screen grab above is from Lucy misses the Mertzes. We cannot tell the color of the box from the b/w episodes, but we do have a clue from a color movie clip taken by a member of the audience in an early episode and the box appears to be a light color perhaps similar to the box below.

Lace Tablecloth like Lucy’s
Lace Tablecloth in Episode “Fred and Ethel Fight”
On Ebay this week is a Quaker Lace tablecloth as seen on the I Love Lucy set in the above scene.

See it here:
Octagonal Toleware Clock

I noticed a tole ware wall clock for sale at:
Ricky and Lucy visit the Littlefields

In the I Love Lucy, Season 1, Episode entitled Lucy’s Schedule the Ricardo arrive an hour late for dinner at the Littlefields due to Lucy putting the clock back instead of forward. Mr Littlefield values punctuality so dinner is over by the time they arrive.

In this episode Gale Gordon makes his appearance on the show as Mr Littlefield. We first see him seen reading an issue The American Weekly magazine dated May 25, 1952.

Ricky and Lucy have missed dinner so when Mrs Littlefield offers Lucy after dinner mints she is so hungry she takes all of them to hillarious effect. The glass dish is a Fostoria ‘American’ Compote Candy Dish which we looked at in a different scene previously.
Moments later Lucy spots the bowl of wax fruit and another hilarious scene ensues when Lucy bites into a wax apple

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