Here is a nicely preserved Plas-tex shaker set hand painted in a floral motif. It is similar to Lucy’s salt and pepper shakers on the shelf in her kitchen. These are large sized and have a cool retro appeal.

Here is a nicely preserved Plas-tex shaker set hand painted in a floral motif. It is similar to Lucy’s salt and pepper shakers on the shelf in her kitchen. These are large sized and have a cool retro appeal.
Lucy and Ricky argue over a murder mystery novel in the I Love Lucy episode The Black Eye. I finally identified the book after numerous screen captures and zooming in Photoshop to bring you the ID of the book. The title is The D.A. Takes a Chance by Erle Stanley Gardner who is also the author of the famous Perry Mason novels.
Following are some pictures of early editions. The hard cover of Lucy’s book looks like the 1st edition of 1948. I see several versions of the book on Amazon and eBay so there still time to get yourself a scary thrillerfor those dark winter evenings.
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Note the Evans Cornucopia Lighter and Cigarette Server on the Ricardo’s coffee table in I Love Lucy in The Black Eye episode.
This is a highly collectable “New old stock” 1950’s unused Evans Cornucopia Horn Of Plenty Lighter Set on eBay Click Here to see it.
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A box of DUZ washing powder is seen on Lucy Ricardo’s kitchen counter in the kitchen set of I Love Lucy. Duz is a discontinued brand of Proctor & Gamble , it began as a powdered laundry soap and later, a powdered laundry detergent. there were promotional glassware and plates in each box. it was last made in 1980
Duz was a popular brand name in the 1950’s. Below is an original commercial for Duz Laundry Detergent that aired in 1953. There is actually a full unused vintage box of DUZ for sale on eBay currently:
On the wall in the Ricardo’s room in Lucerne there is a framed Medieval print from the Codex_Manesse of Walther von Klingen
Walther von Klingen AKA: “Count Walter III of Altenklingen”
Birthdate: circa 1220
Birthplace: Altenklingen, Thurgau, Switzerland
Death: Died March 1, 1286 in Altenklingen, Thurgau, Switzerland
He was a Minstrel and author of songs in the Codex. The Codex Manesse, is a medieval songbook, the single most comprehensive source of Middle High German Minnesang poetry, written and illustrated between ca. 1304 when the main part was completed, and ca. 1340 with the addenda.The codex was produced in Zürich, for the Manesse family.
The manuscript is “the most beautifully illumined German manuscript in centuries;” its 137 miniatures are a series of “portraits” depicting each poet. ( Source Wikipedia)
Seen in the Mertzes Monte Carlo room are framed cameo miniatures on the wall. Similar miniatures are seen in the Mertz living room and in the Ricardo’s apartment in the window alcove on either side of the piano following their return from the trip.
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This gilt framed cameo miniature portrait by A Cameo Creation is similar to the one seen in the screenshot above. ‘A Cameo Creation’ miniatures were inspired by the more expensive Victorian originals and were sold in the home decor sections of department stores at affordable prices.
Cameo miniatures are also seen in the Mertz apartment, seen here in a scene from the episode Little Ricky Learns to Play the Drums after they return from the trip.
An ornate framed print of The Feast (or Festival) of Love by Jean-Antoine Watteau is seen in the set of the Monte Carlo hotel on I Love Lucy.
On the wall of the Mertzes Monte Carlo hotel room is a well known Nicholas Lancret framed print called La Camargo Dancing. Also seen on the chest of drawers beside the door is a figurine we saw in the Mertzes Connecticut home in another I Love Lucy episode. A figurine of a colonial lady, Florence Ceramics “Charmaine”.
The woman dancing in the painting is Marie Anne de Cupis de Camargo a famous French/Belgian ballet dancer known as La Camargo. She was first woman to execute the entrechat quatre, the first dancer to wear slippers instead of heeled shoes, and also first to wear the shorter calf-length ballet skirt and the now standard ballet tights.
On the wall of the Ricardo’s Monte Carlo hotel room is a framed print of an antique song sheet.
The sheet music is reproduced from an original copper plate print by engraver George Bickham. The sheet of music entitled “Reason for Loving” is from an antique song book The Musical Entertainer circa 1737 and 1739 Vol II. The book in two volumes can be viewed or downloaded at:,_George)
Similar framed vintage prints can be found on eBay:
Asian style boy and girl salt and pepper shakers from the Cardinal China Company just like those seen on the shelf in the Ricardo’s Kitchen on I Love Lucy up for sale on eBay this week.
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