In the episode “Ricardo’s Change Apartments” Lucy is running out of space to store all the baby items. In the screen capture above we can see some of the now very collectible 50’s era toys belonging to little Ricky. On the top shelf to the left there is a Cohen Fire Chief tin pull toy, On the second shelf on the left is a Mattel Tricky Trolly – the original box is to the right of the same shelf. On top of the Tricky Trolley box appears to be a toy drum similar to Ricky’s toy drum we looked at in a previous post.

The Cohen Fire Chief pull toy was seen on eBay recently with original box but missing the fire chief’s hat at the following link

Mattel Plastic Toy Windup Tricky Trolley Bus
The 1950’s vintage plastic windup Tricky Trolley, made by Mattel Toys was based on the classic “Toonerville Trolley” a popular Sunday comic strip.
See Tricky Trolley on eBay