On the wall in the Ricardo’s room in Lucerne there is a framed Medieval print from the Codex_Manesse of Walther von Klingen

Walther von Klingen AKA: “Count Walter III of Altenklingen”
Birthdate: circa 1220
Birthplace: Altenklingen, Thurgau, Switzerland
Death: Died March 1, 1286 in Altenklingen, Thurgau, Switzerland
He was a Minstrel and author of songs in the Codex. The Codex Manesse, is a medieval songbook, the single most comprehensive source of Middle High German Minnesang poetry, written and illustrated between ca. 1304 when the main part was completed, and ca. 1340 with the addenda.The codex was produced in Zürich, for the Manesse family.
The manuscript is “the most beautifully illumined German manuscript in centuries;” its 137 miniatures are a series of “portraits” depicting each poet. ( Source Wikipedia)