In the above capture from I Love Lucy Season 4 , Lucy Gets in Pictures we spot a stylish mid-century molded plywood chair that would later show up in another Desilu production. Says contributor John Dalessio “I have identified a prop reuse from the “I Love Lucy” Hollywood apartment! The chair at the Hollywood desk appears in a color episode of “The Joey Bishop Show” called ‘That’s Show Biz’ ”

USA 1967–1969 S1 E25 That’s Showbiz
Sure enough a scene from The Joey Bishop Show S1 E25 That’s Showbiz has the matching chair. The molded/bent plywood chair is seen in color a rich reddish brown seat section on contrasting lighter wood frame. We can also notice a pattern of inlaid contrasting pieces in the bent plywood seat section which we can also make out in the screenshot from I Love Lucy S4 Lucy Gets in Pictures below.

Thanks to John Dallessio for contributing this example of I Love Lucy set decor items in use in other Desilu productions, says John “It’s a reddish color. The Joey Bishop Show was a Desilu production so it makes sense. Also, the Franciscan Ivy dishes appear every now and then throughout the show as well!”