On the Mr. and Mrs. T.V. Show episode the round lace table cloth is by Quaker lace. Examples of the pattern were seen on eBay pictured below.

A 2-tier bowl stand with spindle legs can be seen on I Love Lucy in the Ricardo’s living room. Here is a picture of one just like it.
This 33″ tall colonial tiered bowl style stand or dumb waiter with spindle legs was found at the Rose Bowl Flea Market with no maker mark. There is a long metal bolt down the center with a brass handle on top. The bowls are solid carved/turned wood the widest bowl is 16″ diameter.
Lucy used hers as a fruit stand but in the past this type of bowl stand was also used as a knitting yarn holder. A single bowl on a stand was used as a dough bowl in colonial times.
I have been looking at vintage turned wood bowls on eBay to identify possible sources – Woodcroftery made bowls that look very similar – if anyone knows the make or has a similar one please leave a comment.
A patent for a single tier stand was filed in 1940 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A KNITTING 0R SEWING BOWL William James Hamilton, Jr., Westfield, N. J. Application February 17, 1940, Serial No. 90,339 .
For a DIY option I think a custom wood turner could easily make the stand sections – and make the center hole in two vintage wood bowls (bowl sizes are 16″ and 11″) the center bolt and finial is easily sourced – e.g. lamp making supplies