THE SAXOPHONE, Episode 40, S2, 9.22.52
While Lucy wants to make Ricky jealous (so he will not go on a road trip with his band) she plants Fred’s derby and gloves on the
coffee table. Next to it, is a copy of Holiday magazine. She later picks it up and waits for Ricky to rush around the apartment looking
for an alleged man hiding in the hall closet. The magazine is the February 1952 issue.
Category Archives: Ricardo’s Bookshelf
I Love Lucy: Magazine Stand
LUCY IS MATCHMAKER, Episode 62, S2, 5.25.53
When Fred decides to ward off Ricky in a hotel (so he will not catch Lucy allegedly having an affair with Eddie Grant) he stops at the magazine stand. Here are some of those magazines of the day.
Ricardo’s Bookshelf: Little Ricky’s Golden Book “The Great Big Car and Truck”

In the 1956 I Love Lucy episode The Ricardos Visit Cuba, Little Ricky is seen reading a 1951 Golden Book entitled “The Great Big Car and Truck”. It is a larger size than the Little Golden Books and measures about 12 3/4″ by 9 5/8″. The copy I see on eBay pictured here is a twelfth printing from 1951 with art work by Richard Scarry.
The current version of the book is available for Kindle
Reference :
- Richard McClure Scarry (June 5, 1919 – April 30, 1994) was a popular American children’s author and illustrator who published over 300 books with total sales of over 100 million worldwide
Lucy’s Look Magazine Cover
In the I Love Lucy Episode Men Are Messy, Lucy gets on the cover of Look magazine. The picture of Lucy on the cover was mocked up from an actual issue of LOOK magazine from August 14, 1951
Lucy reads McCall’s Magazine
In the I Love Lucy episode “Ricky Has Labor Pains” (1953) Lucy is reading the January 1953 issue McCall’s Magazine – notice the reference on the cover for the article “Why I Love Lucy” by Desi Arnaz.
See it on eBay.
Ricardo’s Bookshelf: Whistle Stop

Here is another book from the Arnaz home, possibly the Chatsworth Ranch home. This book was a bestseller in the 1940’s, Whistle Stop By Maritta M Wolff. Winner of the major prize in the Avery Hopwood Award for 1940, and written during Wolff’s final year at the University of Michigan, this novel became the basis for the film starring George Raft and Ava Gardner. It received immediate critical praise, including that of Sinclair Lewis, quoted on the rear panel: “I suspect that in Whistle Stop we may have the most important first novel of the year.”
Ricardo’s Bookshelf: How to Sing for Money

Here is an interesting career related book from the Lucille and Desi Arnaz bookshelf at their home in the early years. How to Sing for Money: The Art and Business of Singing Popular Songs Professionally by Charles Henderson

SKU: 1452537577NAT
Title: How to Sing for Money: The Art and Business of Singing Popular Songs Professionally
Author: Henderson, Charles
Book binding: Hardcover
Publisher: Nelson-Hall company
Year of publication: 1945
Art books and more from Lucy Becomes a Sculptress

Happy New Year!
Found some fun art books that were in the background from the episode, Lucy Becomes Sculptress and wanted to share them.
A publicity photo shows Lucille painting at home:
Fred Mertz’s Sports Illustrated Magazine

In the I Love Lucy episode Little Ricky Learns to Play the Drums Fred Mertz is seen reading a copy of Sports Illustrated dated Nov 22 1954. This was actually Season 6 (1956–57) of I Love Lucy and the film date of this episode was June 28, 1956 which aired on October 8, 1956 so the magazine was over a year and a half old when the episode was filmed. This was not just any back issue though, it was the magazine’s first cover to feature a professional football player.

Vol. 1 No. 15 Sports Illustrated November 22, 1954 with San Francisco 49ers quarterback and Hall of Famer Y.A. Tittle on the front cover.
See one on eBay HERE
The Ricardo’s Bookshelf: The D.A. Takes a Chance

Lucy and Ricky argue over a murder mystery novel in the I Love Lucy episode The Black Eye. I finally identified the book after numerous screen captures and zooming in Photoshop to bring you the ID of the book. The title is The D.A. Takes a Chance by Erle Stanley Gardner who is also the author of the famous Perry Mason novels.
Following are some pictures of early editions. The hard cover of Lucy’s book looks like the 1st edition of 1948. I see several versions of the book on Amazon and eBay so there still time to get yourself a scary thrillerfor those dark winter evenings.

See it on eBay