Above is my impression of a couple of contenders for the color of the hobnail chenile bedspreads on I Love Lucy. Previously we identified the make as Morgan Jones “Minuet”. Ads from the 1950’s era give us an idea of the color range but now thanks to an instagram comment from johndalessio we have more clues. Desiu props were re-used over the years and some identical bedspreads have turned up in Bonanza and on The Andy Griffith Show in color. There is a brown color that we saw on Andy Griffith that corresponds to “Sandalwood” in a contemporary ad. And a light green color version of the same bedspread as seen on the screen capture from Bonanza, S2 E33 “Elizabeth, My Love”, near the end of the episode. Either of the bedspreads could have originated in the I Love Lucy series. Those series were made on Desilu sets and used Desilu props. The green version would have been a good choice to set off Lucy’s red hair, dont you think?

Many thanks to johndalessio for providing the research through my my Instagram page