The Toleware Wall Clock is hard to miss on the I Love Lucy show. It can be seen over the mantel in the Ricardo’s living room for most of the early episodes. In a rare color set photo ( detail above) we see that the octagonal tole clock was a deep red color. I have seen this model on ebay from time to time in other colors too.Tole clocks are usually made of painted tin. This one has hand painted floral decorations and was a wind up model. The clock we see above was actually the second tole clock to be used, in the first few episodes of I love Lucy there was a round one with leaf decorations in its place on the same spot.

Collectors looking for one should search ebay for “tole wall clock” or “toleware wall clock”. There is actually one just like it on ebay as I write this click here for details or on the picture above.
Great site for us ‘Lucy’ collectors! While I too have been collecting these prop-a-likes for many years, I can understand how others may feel about the ‘reveal’ of detailed information with regards to sellers. Sellers of course want the most for their money and buyers do not. It’s just the nature of the beast. Sometimes, you just get lucky finding 60-year (and more) collectibles for a lot less than you thought.
I appreciate all of the hard work that went into this site and can very much appreciate the detailed information. Your sharing has taught me things I did not know.
I too have had the good fortune of purchasing various pieces of Francescan Ivy dinnerware, the apple cookie jar, the octagonal Toleware clock (by the way, it is a Georgian Toleware clock) the banjo clock, the barometer, the various framed prints, the Chinese figurines from the mantel, the oil and vinegar display along with the exact duplicate of the wooden shelf, the lustres, the nautical lamp/fixture in the kitchen and much more. It has been an expensive hobby, but fun to hunt down and collect.
How lucky to find the Nesco bread box duplicate as well as the canisters and restore them to resemble Mrs. Ricardo’s. Very well done.
I would be happy to share a few items, but not quite sure if I can post photos.
Thanks again for this great site.
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Thanks so much
pks senf me info a very very big I LOVE LUCY FAN
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